Harry Styles- Kiwi- The Breakdown

Double trouble! Harry Styles delighted fans on Wednesday, as he unveiled the retro music video for his new single Kiwi - which saw him team up with a mini-me

Harry styles dropped Kiwi new music video on 8 Nov 2017, and it couldn't be more cuter.

Cupcake fights, puppies and harry in floral blazer and pants are a dream come true.

This fun and upbeat number has already got 4,345,738 views and 599k likes on YouTube and counting in 18 hours.

Beau Gadsdon is the mini- me version of the singer.

Retro music video shows the duo up against school students in a fierce cupcake fight.

All other kids are dressed in retro outfits too and are staring each other until the first cake is thrown. All hell breaks loose so forth.

2 minutes into the video, harry finally makes his entry with a puppy in his arms.

His puppy army starts licking and cleaning the whole place up.

They all stand together to take a class photo in the end.

Directed by Chris Barett and Luke Taylor, it was a surprising take on the song with the lyrics I think she said "I'm having your baby, it's none of your business".  (Then whose business is it?)

Also the word "Kiwi" was not said even once in the entire song as people were expecting it to be said given he had been captioning his Instagram pics with // KIWI KIWI KIWI KIWI //.

Apparently kiwi was written because he had slipped earlier on a kiwi on stage.

The final verdict:

Production: 8/10

Concept: Weird but cute

Loved it?: Hell yes!

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wg3v-01yKQ
& tell me your thoughts.


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