Malcolm Young "Driving force of AC/DC" dies at 64

Image result for malcolm young

R.I.P Malcolm Young (6 January 1953 - 18 November 2017)

He had given the world AC/DC, the biggest rock bands of all time.

This Scottish-Australian musician and songwriter is survived by wife Linda Young, children Cara and ross and grandchildren.

Highway to Hell, Back in Black, You Shook me all Night Long will be forever etched in our hearts.

He had been battling dementia for the last 10 years and had retired permanently after that. He also fought alcohol problems.

Ozzy Osbourne and Eddie Van Hallen and many more payed tribute to Malcolm.

He was credited from the very first album High Voltage (sold 3 million copies worldwide), 1975 to their last album Rock or Bust.

Malcolm performed last in Spain 2010.

His band was a part of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame since 2003.

YouTube stats:
Watch them perform

Highway to hell: 
264 Million views, 1 million likes

369 million views, 1 million likes

Back in Black:
296 million views , 1 million likes

A sad day in the history of rock. Farewell to the legend.


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