Justin Bieber - Selena Gomez meet up? Is Jelena Back on?

Image result for justin and selena

Jelena fans - The verdict is no! 

The pop singers recently spent time together at SelGo's Los Angeles pad. The former lovebirds have hung out "a few times" since Selena underwent kidney transplant surgery sometime before mid-September. 

Alert:  "friendly celebrity exes" Yayy (How sweet)

Source claims Justin and Selena are "just friends" and "no romantic feelings " are between them. They both do have a long history with each other so they will always have a place in their heart for one another. (Aww)

The weekend -hip-hop star- was "well aware that Justin and Selena were hanging out with a few friends. He trusts her.(Maturity) Once The Weeknd gets back from touring he will be  seeing them all out 
23-year-old Bieber has left any shade-throwing in the past and only wants the best for Selena and her beau. Justin is happy that Selena found a good guy that treats her well. He has nothing bad to say about The Weeknd.

What do you think guys of this new development? Tell me in the comments


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