Lili Reinhart's sexual harrassment??? Riverdale star tells all

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So this was a shock to know about but not too shocking given the latest Harvey Weinstien drama. Everyday more and more celebs are coming out and telling about the dark side of the giltz and glamour. 

In her words "A man of power tried to take advantage of her". Sad, Super sad. But all the more neccessary now to tell and encourage others to come forward and tell their ordeal as well. This has been covered up for too long and its time its brought to light.

So this man of power took lili on a date and tried to force himself on her and tried to take her to his apartment. Lili got out somehow and was blamed the next day for leading him on. 

Lili said she felt miserable as if it was a scene from a live horror movie. He was powerful and had many strings to pull to get away from that situation. 

This harrassment needs to stop and the assaulters need to be put behind bars as soon as possible. Violating and threatening is not somentning any girl should have to go through. Its downright hellish and still being not exposed at the right time is whats wrong with the society.

Patriarchy has been going on for too long and it needs to stop. Lili, girls around the world support and love you and has given many others the strength to talk about it too. You go girl.

Tell me your thoughts and we will talk about it here. 


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