Kendall Jenner goes the Kylie way?

Image result for kendall jennerImage result for kylie jenner

Hello cuties, it looks like kendall is going the kylie way.

Just like kylie dumped tyga because she didn't want a serious relationship then (Tyga was sweet but that was too complicated girl), kendall seems to be going the same way. Kylie felt she is too young to get into a serious relationship with tyga, Kendall feels the same way about Blake Griffin. So the history repeats itself or maybe its just in the blood.

Kylie is supposedly pregnant with Travis Scott's baby and Kendall is not for sure. So yeah it seems sisters on the same path maybe.

Kendall wants to know how busy Blake really is before fully committing to him. She thinks Blake is cool,sexy and funny but super busy too.

Also she herself being a supermodel is super busy herself, travels the world, promotes world class brands (some backfire....pepsi), born in spotlight, its only fair she doesn't want a full blown relationship right now but is sure enjoying dating him.

Its only fair thinking from her angle too. She dated a one direction member and that didn't last long as well let alone forever. She is young, vibrant and should date whoever and whenever she wants instead of going for a relationship and getting her heart broken all over again.

Kendall if you ever read this, YOU do You girl. You are super ambitions, driven and definitely on the right track.

Tell me what you think folks, what should she do?


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