Riverdale's star Lili Reinhart's Insensitive tweet

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Lili Reinhart called out for racially insensitive costume pick for this year's halloween. Though she quickly apologized to fans for posting it though she later saw what all the fuss was about. Its Halloween guys, relax. We all have from time to time described our soul as black and so did she. It was a silly mistake to post it to the world who get offended on almost anything and everything these days. Poor lili. 

I must confess I am a little obsessed with her only because she is the sweetest and the purest soul. She is  my current favourite of the whole riverdale lot. 

 Lili Reinhart apologizes to fans after she is accused of racism over a Halloween costume idea with black face paint. Lili racist? Hello not possible in this or any lifetime. 

The 21-year-old tweeted Sunday, alongside a picture of a woman costumed as a demon with her entire body painted black Reinhart speedily deleted the tweet and apologized on Sunday.
"I did not mean for my tweet to come off that way. I can see how it was interpreted as being insensitive, completely,"
Reinhart wrote on Twitter after deleting her original tweet. "I saw the pic on a Halloween Instagram and didn't think it would be interpreted as being racially insensitive.
Another user commented replying, "She obviously didn't mean for it to be, but she has recognized it and apologized for it & won't do it again. Please, stop defending blackface."
What do you think about the tweet? Tell me


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